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Sunday, March 15, 2015


Hey!  Look at that!  Look at that pretty girl with all that pretty jewelry.  Look at that crown.  She must be a pretty pretty princess. Yay princess!

Despite living in a notional republic, we in the United States swoon for inherited entitlement. Sort of. We're a bit conflicted about the more authoritative title, "queen."  But "princess?" Yay! Exclamation point!

So I guess there's a sweet dream and a nightmare depicted here, right?  That seems pretty straightforward, so I'm mostly not bothering with a contextual breakdown on this.  Who needs context when there are sparkles?  But just in case anyone is wondering...

Part One:  The American Dream
For Part 1, you're mostly on your own.  Except I will throw a bone to the botanically-challenged. Those flowers are poppies.  Not that the poppies featured in this video were grown in Afghanistan or used to make opium, or, even worse, heroin.  No doubt they were legally cultivated for Oxycontin, or for Armistice Day oops no wait we don't observe that anymore I mean Veterans Day, or just for a lovely floral centerpiece.  Also, check out that beautiful engagement ring.  I hope she settled for nothing less than DeBeers.  You go girl.  Shine bright like a diamond.

Part Two:  Lucid
For Part 2, you might start with the 8-pointed star.  Consider that it may be interpreted as a symbol of Ishtar or Venus, as the wheel of the year, or as a symbol of regeneration.  Or consider it as a symbol of chaos magic. As a side exploration, belly dance enthusiasts (possibly depending on whether or not they consider the dance in this clip to be "belly dance") may from there find it rewarding to ponder chaos as it is understood as "fitna."

Ewww!  Look at all of those slimy elemental creepy crawlies.  They are freaking me out. But look at how they sparkle.  But, I don't know, that pretty girl looks a little scary.  This is weird.  I am confused.

Other than people making cryptic videos, are other adults buying multicolor rhinestone frog and sparkle crustacean bracelets?  The existence of said items leads me to believe that there are other events and venues appropriate to such baubles. How do I more fully insinuate myself into the invertebrate bling lifestyle? Wait a minute, is this part of Part One? 

Bad bellydancer. Bad. Bad. Bad. Are we in part one or in part two? What are we loathing again? Am I awake? I am so confused.

Let's just admire some pictures.